I've been in love with denim since I used to thrift in all the vintage shops in LA back in the day - it was such a thrill, never knowing what you could find.
I've had pieces that have been with me for decades, sometimes going in and out of fashion, depending on the flavour of the time. Denim is timeless, and as our video says, it crosses all boundaries and can be worn for all occasions. You can wear it washed, or unwashed.
It was a lot of fun shooting this for iseeyousee - we had a great cast who shared our love for denim and we were able to capture a lot of humour with all our comments, that also reflected everybody's different personalities. We asked the cast to think about what they loved about denim half an hour before we shot the video, and their unfiltered comments were both insightful and funny.
I always enjoy working with Michael, who also loves denim!
Vive le denim!
Photography Alexa Singer @alexasingerphotography
Hair & Makeup Robyn Nissen @robynnissenart
Fashion Styling Patricia Romero @patriciarstyle
Stylist Assistant Emmanuel Rajahem @ems_rajah__
Digital Artist/ Retoucher Tamzen Appunn @thisistamzenaretouch
Irina Miccoli @3dmodelagency
Ruby T. @3dmodelagency
Ory Katalayi @orys.photos @orys.arts
Che Welff @bossmodelsa
Nonjabulo Xaba @bossmodelsa
Michael Miccoli @3dmodelagency
Alex Swanepoel @bossmodelsa
Morenique Tokosi @3dmodelagency
Megan Wi @twentymodelmanagement
Michael Donnelly @michael_donnelly_productions_
YuYoung Ahn @bossmodelsa
Emmanuel Ch @twentymodelmanagement
White Tees @chasing.bees
Thank you to all models, Jo Springthorpe, Alexa Singer, Michael Donnelly and Patricia Romero for contributing their denim pieces.
Shot at Flash Photo @flashrental
A denim lovers dance party. What a blast!
Directed by Alexa Singer and Michael Donnelly
@alexasingerphotography @michael_donnelly_ productions_
Camera & Editing Michael Donnelly
Hair & Makeup Robyn Nissen @robynnissenart
Fashion Styling Patricia Romero @patriciarstyle
Stylist Assistant Emmanuel Rajahem @ems_rajah__
Models in order of appearance:
Ruby T. @3dmodelagency
Ory Katalayi @orys.photos @orys.arts
Che Welff @bossmodelsa
Nonjabulo Xaba @bossmodelsa
Michael Miccoli @3dmodelagency
Alex Swanepoel @bossmodelsa
Morenique Tokosi @3dmodelagency
Megan Wi @twentymodelmanagement
Michael Donnelly @michael_donnelly_productions_
YuYoung Ahn @bossmodelsa
Emmanuel Ch @twentymodelmanagement
White Tees @chasing.bees
Thank you to all models, Jo Springthorpe, Alexa Singer, Michael Donnelly and Patricia Romero for contributing their denim pieces.
Shot at Flash Photo @flashrental